




Securing Safe and Secure Parking in the EU

Time and place:

Date:  24 April 2018
Time:  12.00
Place:  Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, Brussels


BRUSSELS, 24 April – At the second European Logistics Platform (ELP) event of the year 2018, around 50 EU policymakers and industry stakeholders met to listen to testimonies and experiences from companies that seek to make use or invest in secure parking areas in the EU and to discuss the the challenges they face with the current and possible future regulation on resting time in the EU.


The event was hosted by MEP Elzbieta Lukacijewska, member of the TRAN Committee and of the ELP advisory board. In her introductory remarks, Ms ?ukacijewska noted that ‘safety and security for the driver, the vehicle and the goods are absolutely necessary. However, the drivers prefer to spend their rest periods in their cabin, so providing secure parking is a better option than obliging drivers to go to a hotel.’


Wim van de Camp MEP, rapporteur on the European Commission Proposal amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on driving time and rest periods, noted that weekly and reduced rest time should in principle be taken outside the cabin in a suitable accommodation which is paid by the employer. Nevertheless, he proposes the creation of Dedicated Parking Areas in which drivers can park their trucks and take their rest in the cabin as derogation from the rule. He also noted that ‘whilst recognising that parkings are missing and that infrastructure actions are needed in Europe now, financing of secure parking areas should be ensured by the market first.’ He continued, ‘self-certification is essential in order to not have to wait for all Member States to set up certification schemes. However, a regulatory push to provide secure parking areas is good, as investors will know what they can and must do, and by when. Otherwise, we will never manage to have the required number of parking areas in Europe.’


Benny Smets, CEO of Ninatrans, gave an operational perspective on the needs for secure parking areas’ noting that ‘Europe needs more parking areas, safe parking areas, comfortable parking areas and secure parking areas. Currently, there are insufficient parking areas, there is insufficient comfort for the driver, little indication of where there are places available, and hauliers face a problem of liability for damaged or stolen goods as well as intrusion from migrants. With hauliers paying road charges in many parts of the EU, the least they can expect in return is that secure parking areas are provided as an essential part of the infrastructure.”


Ton Barten, CEO of Truckparkings Rotterdam Exploitatie BV gave the perspective from a secure truck parking provider noting that ‘there has always been hesitation as to the business case for secure parking, as investors are unsure whether drivers and companies would be willing to pay. Legal certainty will provide support for investors, and the focus should remain on secure parking areas. It equally remains important that the right services are offered to companies and drivers and that the secure parking areas are not seen as a tax.’


Ewa Ptaszynska, Policy Officer in the Road Unit of DG MOVE presented in a nutshell the Commission's approach to secure parking which should be seen in the light of the proposals which are part of the first Mobility Package. She noted that the European Commission is taking a step-by-step approach on this and that a complete ban on rest in the cabin without offering any alternatives would not improve the quality of life for drivers. Therefore, parking areas which provide safety, security and comfort are essential. The Commission launched a study, of which one of the outcomes will be a map indicating places where safe and secure parking areas are most needed in the EU. She indicated that development of safe and secure parkings on the road core network can be co-financed by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility.


ELP Chair Nicolette van der Jagt, closing the event, noted that with the ELP celebrating its fifth anniversary this year, more was expected on the theme of multimodal transport announcing that the next event will focus on the developments of the Euroasian rail corridors and how they can support in solutions to the transport and mobility challenges we face to make European industry more efficient, sustainable and innovative.



The press release is available in pdf format here.


The European Logistics Platform consists of more than twenty industry stakeholders representing a wide variety of actors involved in logistics and supply chains across Europe. Current members are ACEA, BDL, CER, CLECAT, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Duisport, ECG, ESC, ECSLA, ERFA, FEPORT, FERRMED, FTA, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Europe, Hutchison Whampoa, IRU, Michelin, NLA, Port of Rotterdam, P&G, TLN, UIRR, Volvo Group.


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