




EU ETS for Road Transport

Time and place:

Date:  25 January 2022
Time:  10:30 -12:00h CET
Place:  Webinar
Contact e-mail:  info@europeanlogisticsplatform.eu




Dr. Peter Liese MEP,
Member of the ENVI Committee & Rapporteur on the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)



Guest Speakers


Beatriz Yordi Aguirre,

Director European & International Carbon Markets, DG CLIMA


Johannes Küstner,

Head of National Road Transport and Sustainability, DSLV


Raluca Marian,

General Delegate EU Office, IRU


Beatriz Yordi Aguirre,

Director European & International Carbon Markets, DG CLIMA


Sofie Defour,

Manager Climate, Transport & Environment



As part of the Fit-for-55 Package, the European Commission proposes the creation of a new EU-ETS adjacent to the existing EU ETS system, which will put a price on emissions from the road transport sector. 


The ELP event on EU ETS for Road Transport will feature a presentation from the European Commission on the legislation's main elements and hear the industry perspective on the question what a separate EU emission trading system really means for road transport. 


Policy makers and industry representatives will debate how the EU can shape the right regulatory framework to achieve the aims of the Fit for 55 Package.


Registration is possible below.



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