Better use of infrastructure through automatisation in Road Freight Transport

Time and place:

Date:  17 June 2015
Time:  12:30
Place:  European Parliament (Member’s Salon)


BRUSSELS, 17 June 2015 – At the eighth event of the European Logistics Platform (ELP), around 50 EU policymakers and industry stakeholders came together to discuss the advantages of automatisation in Road Freight Transport with regard to infrastructure usage. The event was hosted by Inés Ayala Sender MEP, Member of the Transport Committee, who underlined the importance of seizing the opportunities of ITS in the transport sector: She highlighted that ‘the EU Digital Agenda is a big new opportunity to raise the profile of logistics, and show the best profile of the logistics sector through greater efficiency and making better use of capacity.’


The event discussed different stakeholder perspectives with regard to the challenges and opportunities of automatisation in transport. Claire Depré, Head of Unit ‘Intelligent Transport Systems’ (ITS) in DG MOVE, elaborated on the Commission’s agenda to boost ITS digital mobility. She explained why the Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) Platforms have been established, highlighting that there is no interest in automatisation if vehicles and infrastructure are not connected. She noted the urgency of the C-ITS challenge, particularly the need to move from research and development to deployment for the EU to remain competitive.


For the automotive sector, Peter Kronberg, Safety Director of Volvo Group gave some insight on how the Volvo group is working towards the efficient and safe automation of commercial vehicles through the step-wise deployment of new technologies. Mr Kronberg noted that as the drivers for automation are so obvious with improved traffic flow, productivity and environmental efficiency, further automation will happen although challenges remain; these being optimised infrastructure for automated vehicles and the deployment of C-ITS. Bastiaan Krosse from the Dutch Research Institute TNO gave a presentation on how ‘platooning’ works in practice by presenting an ongoing pilot project in the Netherlands. He showcased that by linking trucks into road-trains or platoons, significant opportunities are presented to increase the capacity of roads and reduce congestion, save fuel, and improve safety.


In conclusion, Nicolette van der Jagt, vice-chair of the European Logistics Platform said: “Europe needs to foster solutions based on state-of-the-art information and communication technologies, particularly in the field of the efficiency and service level in logistics chains. At the same time, the development of interoperable intelligent transport systems (ITS) has to be pursued to improve efficient road and synchro-modal transport. Better connections and the deployment of innovative ICT across all transport modes will lead to a more sustainable, efficient and future-oriented transport system of the EU.’


The European Logistics Platform consists of more than twenty industry stakeholders representing a wide variety of actors involved in logistics and supply chains across Europe. Current members are ACEA, BDL, CER, CLECAT, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post DHL Group, duisport, ECG, EIM, ESC, ECSLA, ERFA, FERRMED, FTA, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Europe B.V., HERE - a Nokia business, Hutchison Whampoa, IRU, Michelin, Nordic Logistics Association, P&G, RFG, SAP, Transport en Logistiek Nederland, VdTÜV Verband der TÜV e.V., Volvo Group.


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